

I've always wanted to create a blog of my own. I did try before cause I needed a let out of my "feelings" that certain day. (Yes,I am usually a melodramatic person.) But also being the lazy updater that I am,I only had two entries in that blog. Hopefully,I could update this one every now and then. (if time and myself permits) Although I fear that I my future entries would just be about my rants in life. So in advance,forgive me. Although I don't really care if people would read my blog. I mean for me it is a personal journal. I typed in diary at first, but I had to delete it cause it sounds awakward. haha. Anyway,it's up to you if you give a damn about my personal shit or not.

I got nothing else to say. Too much for a first entry/intro.

BTW,the title if your green minds we're tickled, it is about me being new here. And now that I have my first entry then I am a virgin no more. Claro?